Добро пожаловать в игру MinistryofWar! Вы теперь играете в самую продвинутую браузерную игру в мире. Раздел Введение пункта поможет вам узнать об использовании некоторых элементов. Также некоторые новые детали будут обновляться здесь.

Vaulted Architecture Engineering
Vaulted Architecture Engineering Reduces the duration of building tasks by 8 hours .

Sage's Manuscript
Decreases the research time of a skill or technology by 12 hours.

Engineering Colossus
Adds one additional building queue to your City for 7 days.

Academic Powerhouse
Academic Powerhouse Adds two additional research queues to your City for 7 days.

Relocates one of your Cities to new coordinates.

Hero Monument Building Card
Allows you to build a Hero Monument if you have progressed past the Savage Age.